
At WordPress.com, our mission is to democratize publishing and eCommerce one website at a time. We believe that anyone can have an idea, and we want you to have the power and support to get it online.

We’re a hosted version of the open source software, WordPress. Performance, security, reliability, and extensibility are our top priorities, and we’re here to help you take advantage of the WordPress performance you can only get when you seamlessly integrate every line of code and piece of hardware in the stack. With a variety of managed hosting plans for bloggers, small businesses, and enterprises alike, we’re confident there’s a plan fit for you.

As an open source platform, collaboration has been the bedrock of our growth. We firmly believe in the power of community. Since 2005, the WordPress.com network welcomes more than 400+ million people viewing more than 15 billion pages each month. Our users publish about 40+ million new posts and leave 60+ million new comments each month. So, what are you waiting for? Join the WordPress.com community, where you have the freedom to create, express yourself, and earn money online.

WordCamp Sylhet 2023 is over. Check out the next edition!