Contributor Day

Contributor Day

The WordCamp season has kicked in! And all we can say is that Contributor Day is the most special day for all WordPress enthusiasts to meet new people with different perspectives and learn how to contribute to WordPress.

WordCamp Sylhet 2024 contributor day will take place on 10th May.

This year, we will be limiting Contributor Day attendance within the Conference Day attendees only. Which means you will be able to sign up for Contributor Day only if you have secured your attendee/sponsor/organizer/volunteer ticket already.

On this page, you’ll get all the information that you are looking for on the Contributor Day and the signup process. We are hoping for a blast at the WordCamp. See ya!

WordPress Contributor Day

It’s a day when all the WordPress folks join together to contribute to the open-source WordPress project. 

If this is your very first WordCamp contributor experience, don’t get stressed at all! We have got you covered. Contributor Day is a fun event to enjoy to the fullest and be a part of the activities like getting to meet the team, observing and learning, and contributing! Together we can do so much to make it a successful event and contribute even just for a day. 

Is it necessary to be a coder/programmer to attend the Contributor Day?
– No. WordPress is a melting pot of ideas for people from all walks of life. You can be a designer, a copywriter, a marketer, or just a person who loves to click photos with your phone; WordPress is looking for contributions from all of these segments and more!

Contributor Day is a great opportunity to gather massive knowledge about WordPress, build networks, collaborate with community members, and most importantly – have a great time with everyone.

WordPress encourages you, us, and every individual to come forward and create value for the community, even if you are a first-time contributor.

Why should I be a part of the Contributor Day?

Your contribution can change the WordPress community and benefit everyone! If you are a WordPress user we bet you love WordPress too. And the best part is that WordCamp contribution is not limited to the developers or programmers only. Anyone who is genuinely interested can contribute; from programmers to writers to photographers.

WordPress truly believes that without your contributions WordPress wouldn’t be what it is today. The door is open for all with unlimited opportunities like building a network, meeting people from different backgrounds, and learning from professional experiences. 

Also, you can upgrade skills as your interested group will have dedicated Slack channels to keep you updated.

What to expect?

WordCamp is wide open for all the attendees to expect a lot of fun time regardless of their professional background, skills, and knowledge. You will surely have an amazing time with ongoing sessions that can shape your career in a better way.

WordCamp will be attended by many people and among them some would-be experts alongside newbies. Despite people from different backgrounds and experiences, everyone will be expected to gather knowledge and help others to grow as well.

Contributor Day Teams


This team makes WordPress. If you are an experienced developer or just started your journey we would love you to join us! Our table leads will guide you to learn more about contributing to WordPress. More


The Design team is responsible for user experience, interface, and graphics designs. There will be open discussions about design-related topics and user demands. More


Polyglot team members will translate WordPress in more than 200 languages to use it in different countries. If you have command over languages other than English, you can join the team to help others. More


Documentation is very important for all WordPress users as it helps when you are stuck understanding something. Please join the team if you are interested because the documentation team is always looking for dedicated writers. More


If you are a networking person and want to arrange a meetup, you can join the community blog. The team is working on building community, supporting events, and creating programs for WordPress. More


Team Meta makes, gives support, and makes tools for all the contributor’s groups. More


The WordPress training team helps people learn to use, extend, and contribute through WordPress through downloadable lesson plans for instructions to use in live environments via More 


The WordPress Test Team helps to test and triage across the full WordPress ecosystem. This  team mainly focuses on automated and user testing of the editing experience and WordPress dashboard. They also test and document, and report the WordPress user experience. More


The Themes Team evaluates each theme submitted from all across the world to the official directory and provides input and requests for correction when appropriate. Reviewing themes sharpens your own theme development skills. You can help out and join the discussion on the blog. More


The WP-CLI is the official command line tool for interacting with and managing your WordPress sites. More


TV team helps to review and approves the submitted videos to the This team also takes care of the post-production and sets the caption and subtitles. Review is an excellent way of learning and helping WordPress. More


The Support Team is responsible for helping users at WordPress’ Support Forums so they can make the most out of their WordPress websites. They answer everything they can, from basic WordPress questions to advanced development topics. Everyone knows the answer to something!

You can join the Support Team and contribute easily. More


Marketing team makes WordPress visible to the world. This team handles all the go-to resources and content for other WordPress teams. The marketing team is on the GitHub Marketing Task Board under WordPress. More


The WordPress Photo team reviews every photo submitted to the WordPress Photo Directory. The team also provides resources and documentation to educate, encourage, and facilitate photo contributors. More

Let’s make WordPress even bigger

In 2024, websites run on WordPress are coveirng more than 44% of the internet! And the exciting part is your smallest contributions also count and shapes WordPress every day.

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